I bore you to sleep with my soothing voice
Benjamin Boster is the creator and artist behind the I Can't Sleep podcast, the one podcast to bore you to sleep.
Tom Nicholson from Esquire magazine recently wrote in his article The Best Podcasts To Listen To When You Really, Really Can't Sleep:
“...try listening to a man read Wikipedia overviews of completely unremarkable subjects. Wind. Yarn. Delaware Route 9A. Benjamin Boster reads through all these slightly dry topics and more with his unhurried-to-the-point-of-catatonia tone, his stated mission being “to bore you to sleep with my soothing voice”. It’s like being at the back of a General Studies class on a sunny late-May afternoon, which, scientifically speaking, is one of the most potently snooze-inducing environments it’s possible to evoke.”
Kaitlyn Wilde from Bustle wrote the following in her article titled 7 Podcasts To Download If Insomnia Gets In The Way Of Your Sleep:
“The I Can’t Sleep podcast is boring. I mean literally, that’s the point. Host Benjamin Boster reads articles from the internet that he finds incredibly boring with the hope of boring his listeners to sleep. Whether he’s reading from the “sand” Wikipedia page or taking his time defining gravity, you’ll find it hard to hang on to his words.”